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Lazurite is an unofficial shader development tool for Minecraft: Bedrock Edition with RenderDragon graphics engine, which focuses on intuitive use and powerful features.

GitHub page:

PyPi page:


Lazurite requires to have Python 3.10+ installed, but 3.12 is recommended.

Official python installation page: Windows users are recommended to install Python from Microsoft Store.

After installing python, you can install lazurite package from pypi repository, with a command

pip install lazurite


python -m pip install lazurite
Optional GLSL validator

If you install lazurite with a command:

pip install lazurite[opengl]
it will enable optional GLSL and ESSL shader validation capability when compiling materials. It will try to compile and verify resulting code via OpenGL API, which will allow you to catch errors that you wouldn't see otherwise.

Note: this capability is not supported on Termux out of the box and requires extra steps to get working, see instructions below for details:

GLSL validation on Termux

Install necessary packages

pgk i mesa xorgproto libx11 x11-repo && pkg i termux-x11-nightly
Install lazurite

pip install lazurite[opengl]
Install Termux-x11 companion app from (see Setup Instructions)

Then start X11 server

termux-x11 :1 &

After that you can run lazurite build command, by prefixing it with DISPLAY=:1 like so

DISPLAY=:1 lazurite build myAwesomeShader
You will need to launch X11 server before you intend to use GLSL validation capability. Note that the server will remain running in the background, and most of the time you need to start it only once, when you begin a Termux session.

Termux installation error

If during Lazurite installation on Termux (Android) you encounter this error:

aarch64-linux-android-clang++: error: unknown argument: '-fno-openmp-implicit-rpath'
      error: command '/data/data/com.termux/files/usr/bin/aarch64-linux-android-clang++' failed with exit code 1
      note: This error originates from a subprocess, and is likely not a problem with pip.

ERROR: Failed building wheel for pyjson5
Failed to build pycryptodome pyjson5
ERROR: Could not build wheels for pycryptodome, pyjson5, which is required to install pyproject.toml-based projects

It can be fixed by running the following commands (as suggested here):

_file="$(find $PREFIX/lib/python3.11 -name "_sysconfigdata*.py")"
rm -rf $PREFIX/lib/python3.11/__pycache__
cp $_file "$_file".backup
sed -i 's|-fno-openmp-implicit-rpath||g' "$_file"

Next steps

Try making your first shader or learn about available commands, unpacked material syntax and how project compilation works.