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Material Format

Unpacked material has the following file structure:

├─ material.json
├─ uniforms/
│  ├─ ...
│  ├─ MyUniform.json
├─ buffers/
│  ├─ ...
│  ├─ MyBuffer.json
├─ passes/
│  ├─ ...
│  ├─ MyPass.json
│  ├─ MyPass/
│  │  ├─ ...
│  │  ├─ 0.ESSL_310.Fragment.glsl

Material Schema


  "version": 22,
  "name": "RenderChunk",
  "parent": "",
  "buffers": ["LightMapTexture", "MatTexture", "SeasonsTexture"],
  "uniforms": [
  "passes": [
Property Description Allowed values or types
version Material format version 22
name Material name string
parent Parent material name string
buffers List of buffer names list of strings
uniforms List of uniform names list of strings
passes List of pass names list of strings

Buffer Schema

  "name": "PBRData",
  "reg1": 2,
  "reg2": 2,
  "type": "structBuffer",
  "precision": "lowp",
  "access": "readonly",
  "texture_format": "",
  "default_texture": "",
  "unordered_access": true,
  "always_one": 1,
  "unknown_string": "",
  "custom_type_info": {
    "struct": "PBRTextureData",
    "size": 64
Property Description Allowed values or types Details
name Buffer name string
reg1 Register or binding integer Same as reg2
reg2 Register or binding integer Same as reg1
type Buffer type texture2D texture2DArray external2D texture3D textureCube structBuffer rawBuffer accelerationStructure shadow2D shadow2DArray
precision Buffer precision lowp mediump highp
access Buffer access type undefined readonly writeonly readwrite
texture_format Texture format Arbitrary string, possible values include (but not limited to): (empty string) r32ui rg32ui rgba32ui r32f r16f rg16f rgba16f rgba8 rg8 r8 rgba32f Possible values were extracted from
default_texture Default texture (unknown what it does) string (empty string means that the buffer doesn't have this property) The only observed value in the game was white
unordered_access Enables unordered access (UBO) bool
always_one Unknown (must always be 1, otherwise buffer breaks) integer All materials have a value of 1
unknown_string Unknown (was never observed in-game) string (empty string means that the buffer doesn't have this property)
custom_type_info Information about custom structured buffer (SSBO) type enum. If set to empty object {} that means that the buffer doesn't have this property
Changing Buffer Registers

The difference between reg1 and reg2 is unknown, in the material files they always have the same value. Lazurite uses reg1 for setting AUTOREG macros, however the game seems to be using reg2 for deciding which register to actually use. Therefore it is recommended to set both properties when changing buffer register or binding.


Property Description Allowed values or types
struct Struct name string
size Struct size (in bytes) integer

Uniform Schema

  "name": "GlobalRoughness",
  "type": "vec4",
  "count": 1,
  "default": [0.5, 0.5, 0.5, 0.5]
Property Description Allowed values or types Details
name Uniform name string
type Uniform type vec4 mat3 mat4 external
count Number of array elements integer (1 if uniform is not an array) For example, in case of uniform vec4 Bones[5]; it would be 5
default Default value list of floats 4 elements for vec4, 9 for mat3, 16 for mat4

Pass schema

  "name": "ColorPostProcess",
  "supported_platforms": {
    "Direct3D_SM40": true,
    "Direct3D_SM50": true,
    "Direct3D_SM60": true,
    "Direct3D_SM65": true,
    "Direct3D_XB1": true,
    "Direct3D_XBX": true,
    "GLSL_120": true,
    "GLSL_430": true,
    "ESSL_100": true,
    "ESSL_300": true,
    "ESSL_310": true,
    "Metal": true,
    "Vulkan": true,
    "Nvn": true,
    "PSSL": true,
    "Unknown": true
  "fallback_pass": "Fallback",
  "default_blend_mode": "",
  "default_variant": {
    "AlphaTest": "On"
  "variants": [
      "is_supported": true,
      "flags": {
        "AlphaTest": "On"
      "shaders": [
          "file_name": "0.ESSL_100.Fragment.glsl",
          "stage": "Fragment",
          "platform": "ESSL_100",
          "inputs": [
              "name": "texcoord0",
              "type": "vec2",
              "semantic": "TEXCOORD0",
              "per_instance": false,
              "precision": "",
              "interpolation": ""
          "hash": 6879661314034565044,
          "bgfx_shader": {
            "hash": 1010703983,
            "uniforms": [
                "name": "ExposureCompensation",
                "type_bits": 2,
                "count": 1,
                "reg_index": 0,
                "reg_count": 1
            "group_size": [],
            "attributes": [],
            "size": -1
Property Description Allowed values or types Details
name Shader pass name string
supported_platforms Platforms that support this pass dictionary with platforms as keys and bool as values Unsupported platforms will not render this pass and instead use fallback_pass (if defined)
fallback_pass Name of the fallback pass string This pass will be used if current pass is unsupported
default_blend_mode Unknown (empty string) NoneMode Replace AlphaBlend ColorBlendAlphaAdd PreMultiplied InvertColor Additive AdditiveAlpha Multiply MultiplyBoth InverseSrcAlpha SrcAlpha Empty string indicates that shader pass doesn't have this property
default_variant Default variant flags Dictionary of strings Variant with specified flags will be used as default, if the game fails to find a variant with requested flags in the material
variants List of variants See variant schema for details


Property Description Allowed values or types
is_supported Unknown bool
flags Dictionary with flag: value pairs Dictionary of strings
shaders List of individual shader definitions


Property Description Allowed values or types
file_name Name of the file with compiled shader (in material/passes/<pass name>/) string
stage Shader pipeline stage Vertex Fragment Compute Unknown
platform List of platforms See possible values here
hash Unknown 64bit unsigned int
inputs List of input (attributes or varyings) definitions Details here
bgfx_shader Data of BGFX compiled shader Undocumented


Property Description Allowed values or types Details
name Input name string
type Input type float vec2 vec3 vec4 int ivec2 ivec3 ivec4 uint uvec2 uvec3 uvec4 mat4
semantic Input semantic POSITION NORMAL TANGENT BITANGENT COLOR BLENDINDICES BLENDWEIGHT TEXCOORD UNKNOWN FRONTFACING Semantic string is also alowed to end with an integer index e.g. COLOR1, TEXCOORD3. If no index is provides, it is assumed to be 0.
per_instance Indicates if input is instance data bool Typically it's only set to true for instanceData attribute.
precision Precision qualifier (empty string) lowp mediump highp Empty string indicates that shader input doesn't have this property.
interpolation Interpolation qualifier (empty string) flat smooth noperspective centroid Empty string indicates that shader input doesn't have this property.